Mrs. Shailze Joshi

Mrs. Shaileza Joshi



I, Mrs.Shaileza Joshi – Director of  SHARADEY CONSULTANTS  have been associated with various consultancy services for more than a decade now. Being a teacher for 20 years subserves me to understand and assess the students according to their traits, competence, and caliber, thereby helping the students to achieve their best. Needless to say, as a teacher, I always had a soft corner for the students who can and are willing to achieve great heights in life. Many students whom I taught became doctors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. And to those students whom I was not fortunate to teach, I gave them wings to fly and study overseas by counseling and guiding them to choose the right universities for a bright career. To make your dreams come true, our core services and expertise should work hand in hand with your passion, sincerity, and affordability. Keeping that in mind we have selected the modest overseas universities where the students will be “earning while learning” and this exposure will certainly boost up their personality and mold them to independently face an entirely different and new culture with ease.

Our team members are well experienced, hardworking, and highly sincere. Though I have an excellent team who takes care of the minuscule detail of your profile, I still keep in touch with every single student personally.

“My belief in spirituality makes me sincere and disciplined. I believe in Karma and thus make sure to always be righteous.”

Mr. Govind Vallabh Joshi is one of the founding members of Sharadey Consultants and heading our company as CEO. Mr. Joshi was a banker by profession for 32 years and was the Chief Manager – HR from Central Office of Union Bank of India, Narimon point Mumbai. After completing his B.Com from Sagar University M.P, he did his Masters in Social Work (MSW) and also worked as social welfare officer for 3 years. Later he did LLB (Law) and CAIIB-I to engrave a niche in his career.

His working ethics is one of the important pillars of the company as Sharadey Consultants believes in transparency and punctuality. His intellectual outlook towards things helps the company to solve matters in an amicable way. We are proud to have him on board as we believe his potential and experience will make us reach new heights.

Mr. G. V. Joshi


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